The Many Faces of "Plantains"

Plantains start out green and are usually made "Tostones" Once rippend they are usually made as "Maduros" but can also be made "Tostones"
This is the easiest recipe ever! Purchase as many "Plantains" as you like. Once you are ready to cook them start by pre-heating some cooking oil on low. In order to remove the plantain peel, take one end of the plantain , use a knife and cut a long seam into the peel in several places. After peeling, slice round pieces into 1 to 1-1/2" each (you can make them larger if you like).Once the oil has heated enough to create bubbles when you dip one in, begin to place the pieces into the oil and cook over medium heat. You want to cook them on the inside. It should take about 5 to 10 minutes. Once they look semi-cooked, remove from heat and place on a plate. Using a plantain tostonera, smash each piece to look like the ones in the picture. Once smashed, place in hot oil again and continue to cook on medium to high heat until they are toasted! That's it!
Remove from oil onto a dish that has a papertowel (for draining) and salt (or not) to your liking. Serve with just about any Cuban dish!
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